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Activate | Expand | Transform

The Path of Your Heart
        Is Your True Path        

Welcome BeLoved Heart, 
It is my intention through Our Meeting & The Energy We Co-Create Together, that You have the opportunity to reDiscover, reConnect & reIntegrate with
The Pure Truth of

Who You Are 

So that You can See You & be Seen, Fully, throwing away any masks you have worn for protection, feel Free of conditioning, heal childhood & ancestral wounding & traumas, and thus Release all fears of Judgement;
 & To Wholly Unapologetically Embody Your Truth as 
The Very Powerful Divine Spiritual Being 
You Truly Are, InJoying Fully
Your Human Experience as the 5th Dimensional & Beyond New Earthling You Incarnated Here to Be at this time.
Let's Get Started!

Jeanna Mariee Aure
Become a Monthly Member
A More Personal
Small Group Approach
A Deep Dive with Jeanna
in a One to One Session
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Join a Community

of Love Minded Souls

$11.11 per month

*Introductory price only


As a Monthly Activate Member You Will Receive:

Minimum of 3 x Monthly Zoom Sessions

Where Content May Include but is Not Limited to:  


Health, Wellness & Spiritual Coaching 

Q & As

Energy Deeps Dives & Navigation Tools


Light Language Transmissions

Oracle Card Readings 


Guest Speakers 

Sound Healing

Collaborative Opportunities



Join & Connect 

with a Community of Love

Minded Souls on Their Heroes Journeys, Just Like You.

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Discover Your Divine Blueprint & Launch

*6 Week Group Coaching & Mentoring Deep Dive

*maximum of 10 per group  ensuring personal attention




Paid Upfront or by weekly instalments of $96.30


As a 6 Week 

Expand Program Member  You Receive All of the Activate Membership Benefits for the Program Duration Including:


Minimum of 3 x Monthly Zoom Sessions  

Where Content May Include but is Not Limited to:  


Health, Wellness & Spiritual  Coaching 

Q & As

Energy Deeps Dives & Navigation Tools


Light Language Transmissions

Oracle Card Readings 

Guest Collaborations

Sound Healing

Collaborative Opportunities



4 Additional

LIGHT ENCODED Zoom EXPANSION Sessions Where We Take a Deeper 

Dive Together on Unwrapping the GIFT You Are, Divine Mission Discovery & Expansion. 


Why Choose this Option?

Within a Smaller Group I Am more Attuned to Your Personal Needs & Energy. Thus I'm able to Bring Forth more Specific Guidance, Coaching & Channeling Directed to You.

Your Soul Health, Wellness, Spiritual Expansion Is Targeted & Our Priority BeLoved Heart.

Plus You Receive

a 1hr One PERSONAL Soul  to Soul Discovery & Energy Healing Session with Me for an Extra Boost UP.

Connect with Jeanna


Your FREE 30 minute

Soul to Soul Chat to


Soul to Soul Session


A Personal Transmission / Healing



90 minutes

                        Your Transform Session 

Is Conducted via Zoom.


This Is the perfect session for You if you're feeling Stuck, Blocked, Uncertain and Requiring & Desiring Deeper Healing and Guidance Just For You BeLoved.


This session is Intuitively Guided, thus is Unique Journey for Each Soul.


Your Spirit Guides Connect to me, either directly or through my Guides, so the session moves at their Cadence with me as the Conduit & Facilitator.

The Session usually begins with a Deeper Inquiry via a Conversation as to the Why this Healing has been sought. This Serves to Open up the 'Channels' Energetically and includes Specific Guidance for You.

From there any combination of My 'Wands' listed below may be used during your session and We almost always finish with a very Yummy & Powerful Energy Healing.

However please do let me know if you also have any specific requests.

My Other Wands Include:

Oracle Card Readings

Light Language Transmissions

Health, Wellness & Spiritual

Coaching & Mentoring 


Sound Healing


Psychic Insights

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