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Hi Gorgeous Heart,
Gorgeous Being of Light. 
I Am Jeanna Mariee Aure 


I have always been a naturally open 'Channel' for Spirit Divine, although for a lot of years I did not fully comprehend that many of the Messages, much of the Information & the Healing Energies I was transmitting and sharing, were coming from Spirit Divine.


My Guides first introduced themselves to me during  meditation two decades ago, as I was feeling the yearning to explore Spirituality more deeply than I had previously.

My surname Aure is of Hebrew origin and was reActivated within me by Divine Spirit in 2019.

It has a number of meanings, however when I initially heard it expressed by woman whose first name was Aure, she defined it as 'Light,' and this expression is what I have always felt the Highest Resonance with, as this is how I experience Spirit and indeed us All as HU- Mans, Light 



AURE is the name I also the name I give to my Spirit Team, who can also be referred to as my Guides & Galactic Beings. 


My Spirit Guides are Loving and Benevolent, High Frequency Inter-dimensional Beings of Light, who transmit Messages, Prophecy, Divine Wisdom, Healing & Guidance to me & through me in a number of ways as a Conduit.

All that is Offered through me as a Divine Messenger, whether it is for myself, another person, an animal, or for a Collective, is intended for the Highest & Greatest Good of the Recipient, Humanity & All Beings, including Our Beloved Mother Earth. 


I was born with a deeply Shamanic Essence in Aotearoa New Zealand, and have always felt a very deep Love for and Connection with Our Beautiful Earth Mother, GAIA.   

As a child I had a natural affinity with Nature, Birds, Animals and Elementals, being able to Sense, Feel and Understand Their Spirits. I spent much of my childhood playing, dreaming and communing in Nature with animals as my friends, recharging my Soul in their harmonious energies, especially when I was experiencing the many challenges of my home and school life. 

Many of the messages & inspirations I share come through Nature SPIRIT, Birds, Animals, Trees, Land, Sea, The Elements & Elementals, who speak to me through all of my senses. This is a relationship I abSoulutely cherish, and which Now more than Ever, is Integral during This Time of Our Collective Evolution, as We All Expand & Evolve.

It Is my Knowing that the way 'forward' for Humanity is through our Return to Nature, to Mother Earth.

For Pure Nature,
is also Our Pure Nature

I believe all of life is a Spiritual Journey, but became more purposeful in seeking to learn and innerstand more about my Spiritual Self those 2 decades ago when I began reading more spiritually inclined books, meditating, seeking spiritual & psychic guidance and through my own experiences of spiritual phenomena.

I found though, the more I learned and remembered, the more I realised I didn't know, or had forgotten. So I weaved my away along the Spiritual path, wandering on, through & also what I considered to be at the time, off track at times.

But Ours IS the Heroes Journey,

For Our Human Journey
Is Truly Heroic.


As a Spiritual Being I Choose to Honour & Celebrate my Human experience, considering myself a Life Long Learner with Unfoldment, Evolvement & Self Realisations ongoing and always full of Divine Surprises. Just as every Gift is.

I have always been called to  Teach & Guide. Initially as a teacher of children and teenagers, which I did so for more than 20 years. Then fifteen years ago I also studied Life Coaching, which served also to further fan the flames of my Spiritual Quest. 

I see both 'career choices,' teaching and coaching, to have been Important Markers in my Life Path. In fact my call to study Life Coaching, which I did whilst in New Zealand also added more fuel to my desire to move to Australia and this, along with a series of synchronistic events guided me to actually do it.


I moved here to Queensland's Sunshine Coast, in Australia in 2008, being particularly drawn towards the mystical Glasshouse Mountains, feeling that there was something very special about them, but at the time not fully comprehending it was the powerful essence of the Mountain Spirits, Ancestors and Dragon (Song/Ley) lines in the area calling, magnetising me to them.


My spiritual journey further deepened following my move. I received more activations, synchronicities and my first UFO Contact in full daylight during a very pivotal time in my life, all serving to lead me further forward on my Path.

I connected with more Soul Family as I sought answers to, "Who Am I?" & "Why Do I Often Feel Sad & Alone?"

who guided me on a little further each time in my Quest to fill the Void I felt.


One of these was to learn Reiki. 

I have been a Reiki Master for a decade now, following a calling I had initially felt in New Zealand and through a further series of synchronicities that lit my path once again, I Answered the Call of my Soul. Healing though, whether through touch, voice, thought, listening or written word, has always been a part of me. However Reiki gave an 'official name' to what I was doing.

I then began combining my 'wands' as I like to call them, teaching, energy healing, coaching & mentoring from a home studio for clients from all walks of life.

Later I also added being a 500 hour certified Yoga teacher to my wands. Yoga had always given me a feeling of peace & of coming Home from the very first class I attended more than 20 years earlier. So I wanted to create a space where I could facilitate more Beautiful Souls rediscovery of this feeling & I started guiding yoga classes, adding yoga & wellness retreats, both locally & internationally to my backpack of 'wands'. I combined this with energy healing, coaching & mentoring, eventually opening my own yoga studio & initiating another metamorphosis in 2018.


Then came the unfolding World 'events' of late 2019 and I again began seriously reflecting upon what and I how I desired to be Living My Divine Soul Purpose. This led me to closing my 'bricks and mortar' business in 2020 to focus instead on connecting with people all over The World as this is something that I have always desired to do. In fact, I can recall myself saying numerous times over the years, 'I just want to touch as many people as possible.'


So once again Destiny was calling and with a little persuasion & a lot of support from Spirit, I again let go and opened my Heart to embrace the next chapter of my Soul Mission. 


And So It is through my sharing of my Soul Mission as a Spiritual Teacher, Mentor & Healer with People from all over the World, that I come to be Here with You Now.


Our Destined Meeting

.... I'm so excited to meet YOU !

& can't wait for Us to get started in Creating MagicK Together.

Infinite Love & Blissings, 


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